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We are the manufacturer that makes your retail, hospitality and contract projects a reality.

We have it clear. Our 45 years of experience have taught us that the secret to being the best is to be 100% involved in each project, in each client.
We carry out an exercise of total empathy to find the solution that exceeds your expectations and generates total satisfaction.

logo inscashops

InscaShops is the brand dedicated to retail, restoration and contract projects of the INSCA group, founded in 1978. Our history is that of a carpentry workshop that has become a leading international group in commercial equipment for all sectors.

We have a team of more than 150 people at the service of your business to offer you a comprehensive commercial equipment service. Architects, interior designers, engineers, carpenters, painters, fitters… we all work in a coordinated way under the premises of the Lean methodology to provide you with an excellent service.

We are also in the midst of a digital transformation of the company to become Industry 4.0, which will enable us to improve the productivity and efficiency of the entire organisation.

Your time is our time because we are committed to delivery times.



Certified commitments

We are committed to excellence, equality, innovation and the environment.

inscashops isologo

We have ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certificates that guarantee the quality of our processes and respect for our environment. We have an R&D&I Committee focused on research for continuous innovation, an Equality Plan and 40% of the energy we consume is photovoltaic.


International assembly and logistics

We have our own commercial furniture assembly teams and an international logistics service to offer our bespoke furniture manufacturing services for retail, restoration and contract all over the world.

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